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Are you missing the extreme this winter? Give this a read!

We all start to lose motivation at this time of year. Wake up in the dark – spend the day in the office – go home in the dark. Hitting the gym, going out for a run or having that drive to keep up to training goes out of the window. Those of us that don’t get involved in stereotypically ‘winter’ sports put our extreme lifestyle on hold, opting for the comforts of the sofa.

Those weekend climbs become compromised thanks to ‘increased health and safety’ risks… on the mildest January morning. We all know it’s cold – but we just want to get back out there!

Obviously, the Skiers and Snowboarders revel during this time, taking to the slopes at every opportunity. But it’s apparent to even the most dedicated sportsmen – sometimes (don’t say we admitted this) we have no choice but to call it a day, grab a bottle and slouch on the couch. But all’s not lost – those boulders will wait, there will always be mud (somewhere) – and eventually, you will forget you ever stayed indoors for a whole weekend!

If this sounds like you right now – why not check out some of these sites to keep you going – they’re full of people doing the things you love, don’t lose motivation – you CAN stay extreme this winter.

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